Here's the scoop...
Gone But Not Forgotten is a 4 hour miniseries. Scott plays a serial
killer in New York who is arrested but beats the charge on a technicality. When similar killings begin in Sacramento,
detectives make the New York connection. Brooke Shields plays the defense lawyer representing Scott's character.
In a February 2004 interview with Diane Lane she said, "It was (filmed) for Hallmark Entertainment, but it's so dark and gritty
they aren't sure now where it's going to air."
Movietome.com lists two new Scott Glenn projects I haven't heard of before: Murder on the Hudson,
a 2004 movie with Charles Durning, and Wanted, a pilot for a new fall 2004 suspense series
about the LAPD's fugitive-apprehension team, with Scott as Bill Spence and also starring Jason Gedrick.
Puerto Vallarta Squeeze based on the book by Robert James Waller (Bridges of Madison County) is in post
production after filming in Mexico in 2003. The movie is about an American hitman on the run who enlists the help of
an expatriate American writer and his Mexican lover to escape through the wilds of Mexico. Also stars Harvey Keitel
and the late Jonathan Brandis.
"Homeland Security"- did not make the fall 2003 schedule but the pilot was
shown as a tv movie on NBC April 11, 2004 starring Scott Glenn and Tom Skeritt. A CIA agent postpones his
retirement after 9/11 to work for Homeland Security.
Received emails from two actors and a fan who've had
recent contact with Scott. The first extra wrote that "An extra was driving too close to him in a scene and he totally went
off on the guy. He bitched at everybody, "Make sure those damn extras don't get close too me." Today, he was driving a truck,
and me and a friend had to pass in front of him. He said "Make sure those extras don't get in front of me, or I'm gonna bump
one of them with this truck" I thought that was extremely rude."
Another actor in "A Painted House", writes that he and Scott talked often. On their
first meeting, he asked Scott for "permission to relieve bladder," one of Scott's famous lines from "The Right Stuff." He
says Scott started laughing, and he has a laugh and smile you can't forget. He says Scott has a great personality and sense
of humor. (He illustrated with a story about a banana which I'd better not repeat online!) Scott told him that this was the
second year he had missed elk hunting, and that winter is his favorite time of the year. Scott evidently had some trouble
driving the tractor in the film, and in one of the scenes he almost creamed some of the extras. In another scene, where Scott
is pulling the old truck into the cotton gin, the script called for background action from the extras. But some of the extras
kept standing there in the way of the truck. After twelve takes, he says Scott got pretty cranky. He says that Scott is all
business on the set, staying in character so much that if one of the extras asked him a question, his answer was based on
his character's 1952 perspective! After filming each day, Scott took the time to sign autographs. Between takes, he was "kicking
around"; our friend wasn't sure whether it was tai chi or some other form of martial arts. Robert De Niro visited the set
on the last day of filming. He wasn't sure if Scott and De Niro are buddies or not, but maybe so since both have homes in
the Tri Be Ca section of New York. Scott cooked steak and lobster for the cast when they wrapped up filming. This extra says
he has nothing but praise for him. Thanks for sharing !
If you thought you saw Scott in Memphis, you may have. He stayed at the Peabody during filming of "A Painted House", and
a fan reports meeting him at Automatic Slims on November 12 -and offers his apology for interrupting Scott's dinner.
Scott Glenn heads Painted House cast www.gomemphis.com/mca/tom_walker/article/0,1426,MCA_515_1471597,00.html
Casting has been set for A Painted House, the Hallmark Hall of Fame adaptation of the John Grisham novel. Filming
takes place for the next few weeks in and around Lepanto and Turrell, Ark.
Set in the 1950s during harvest season, A Painted House is seen through the eyes of a boy, Luke Chandler (Logan
Lerman), the grandson of cotton farmers. Scott Glenn plays his grandfather, Arija Bareikis plays Luke's mother, and Robert
Sean Leonard plays his father.
Thanks to a Scott fan for correcting some info in the bio page:
"The name of the town Scott's family moved to when he was 12 is BRYN ATHYN, PA. Not BRYAN ATHYN. I know
because I was born and grew up there, and my brother Mike was best friends with Scott's brother Terry. In fact, his mom and
my mom play cards together still. Also, Bryn Athyn is northeast of Philly, not quite nearby Pittsburgh. Hope you find the
info useful, "Hometown Boy--
Army Archerd reports: "Scott Glenn
and wife, painter Carol Glenn, will host Ellie Weisel at their Ketchum, Idaho, home, April 21 in a $100/head event to fund
a campaign by the Jewish community in Idaho to promote tolerance. Glenn, whose heritage is Irish and native American, converted
to his wife's Jewish faith when they married decades ago.
Ex-Marine Glenn, no stranger to
military roles and upcoming in Miramax's "The Buffalo Soldiers," is also working with the Department of Defense in a campaign
to assure national support of service men and women engaged in the war against terrorism. "
Tim Ryan of the Honolulu Star Bulletin reports that the Diamond Head series deal fell through for "various reasons."
Scott Glenn and CBS are now in talks for developing it first as a movie of the week and may, depending on its ratings, reconsider
it for a series.
Old News
If you happen to know what films Scott Glenn is working on or considering, or when and where he is returning to the stage,
be sure to share with us in the Mailbag / Forum !
OLD NEWS, but I'll keep it in for now just to catch you up if you haven't visited lately: Entertainment Weekly (www.ew.com)
reported that Scott is set to star in a new detective series for CBS next fall called "Diamondhead." Set in Hawaii,it
is the latest CBS project for Jerry Bruckheimer, the movie producer ("Pearl Harbor") behind such CBS shows as "C.S.I."
and "The Amazing Race." Great news if true! Scott on tv every week! WOW! I used to live near Diamondhead - sure
makes me want to move back to Hawaii! Here's an article from The Honolulu Star Bulletin, Oct.2, 2001
http://starbulletin.com/2001/10/02/news/story12.html TV show based in isles being planned for
CBS By Tim Ryan The executive producer of the movie "Pearl Harbor" hopes to film
a television series on Oahu called "Diamondhead" that would air on CBS as early as the 2002-2003 season. Warner
Bros. TV-based Bruckheimer Films sources confirmed yesterday that Jerry Bruckheimer will develop three scripts for CBS, with
one guaranteed to be turned into a pilot. CBS has already approved two "concepts" under the deal with Bruckheimer,
one of which is the Hawaii-based crime-action series "Diamondhead." However, a Warner Bros. TV spokesperson yesterday
said the show is in its infancy, or "concept stage," and may not happen. The earliest the pilot would be
filmed on Oahu would be in January or February (2002), Warner Bros. officials said. Scott Glenn will star in the hourlong
"Diamondhead" as retired Navy SEAL John Caine, who moves to Hawaii to set up his own private-eye business. The stories
are based on Charles Knief's books. The screenwriter is Billy Devlin. The show would reconnect Hawaii with CBS, which
also aired "Hawaii Five-0" and "Magnum, P.I." I've been checking this rumor for
months with no new leads. Tim Ryan is going to check it out for sure this week, but says he knows they have not started filming
and believes they won't be. Will let you know as soon as I hear more. (Figures! After I went out and bought all of Knief's
books! Scott would have been absolutely perfect in that role!!!)
Scott was filming "The Seventh Stream" on the west coast of Ireland during September, 2001. It is a Hallmark Hall
of Fame movie about a "selkie" -a seal who can turn into a woman. It stars Saffron Burrows as the selkie. Scott
plays the role of Owen Quinn. This was on CBS December 9. If you missed it, you should soon be able to buy the video at
the Hallmark store in March! Unfortunately, the excellent interviews and articles that were on the Hallmark.com site in December
have now disappeared!Here are a few other links about the movie: http://www.theherald.co.uk/opinion/simpson/archive/28-9-19101-22-10-13.html
The Seventh Stream Showbiz Ireland <http://www.showbizireland.com> reports that filming has commenced
on the fantasy film "The Seventh Stream" which is about a mythical woman (Saffron Burrows) who can become a seal
in water and turn back into a human on land. The $15 million budget flick is currently in progress at Connemara in Ireland
and also stars Scott Glenn. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news10/010919.htm Stream Flows
To CBS Scott Glenn and Saffron Burrows will star in The Seventh Stream, a fantasy television movie for
CBS' Hallmark Hall of Fame, according to The Hollywood Reporter. John Lynch (Sliding Doors) will co-star with Burrows (Deep
Blue Sea) and Glenn. Stream tells the story of an Irish fisherman, Owen Quinn (Glenn), who is recovering from the death of
his wife and who falls in love with a mysterious, beautiful woman (Burrows). The woman's arrival brightens up the life of
the entire village, but as Quinn uncovers details about his new love's past, he stumbles upon a mystery straight out of Irish
folklore. John Gray wrote the screenplay and will direct. Filming of the movie is set to begin this month on the
western coast of Ireland, the trade paper reported. http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue229/news.html
I just found a prerelease site for Great White Shark, directed by James Cameron, which lists Scott in the cast. I hadn't
heard anything about this movie! The release date was scheduled for July 2001 - Did I really miss it? Filmed but not released??
If you know anything about it, please share info! Here is the link if you'd like to check it out:
Great White Shark
Also found an old news byte about a Showtime movie called "Deep Sleep" which was supposed to be filming in 1993
and starring Scott. Anybody know anything about it?
Release dates for new works with Scott Glenn: Faith of My Fathers, Homeland Security,
and Gone But Not Forgotten are now available on DVD. Code Breakers is currently showing on ESPN and I believe may also
be available on DVD.
I'm not in the loop...I have no contact with Scott Glenn... So the only gossip I'm likely to hear will come from you or from
what I can search out on the web! Please visit our Mailbag / Forum and share!
Did you ever notice??? Scott seems to have a LOT of sexy scenes! (Thank you!) He definitely heats up the
screen in The Baby Maker, The Keep, The Spy Within, Edie & Pen, Verne Miller, Night of the Running Man, Past Tense, Off
Limits..... Whew!!! Ah, well, with a body like that...and those eyes...and that smile.....